Thursday, May 19, 2011

lemon cupcakes

Vanilla Cupcakes:

1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature

2/3 cup (130 grams) granulated white sugar

3 large eggs

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Zest of 1 large lemon (outer yellow skin)

1 1/2 cups (195 grams) all purpose flour

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup (60 ml) milk

Buttercream Frosting:

2 cups (230 grams) confectioners sugar (icing or powdered sugar), sifted

1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 tablespoons milk or light cream

Assorted food colors (if desired)

Vanilla Cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.

In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the vanilla extract and lemon zest.

In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.

With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and milk, in three additions, beginning and ending with the flour. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed.

Evenly fill the muffin cups with the batter and bake for about 17 - 20 minutes or just until set and a toothpick inserted into a cupcake comes out clean. (Do not over bake or the cupcakes will be dry.) Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Once the cupcakes have completely cooled, frost with icing. If you want flat topped cupcakes then slice off the dome of each cupcake, with a sharp knife, before frosting. If you want to pipe the frosting, I like to use a large Wilton 1M star decorating tip. Cupcakes are best eaten the same day they are made, but they can be covered and stored for a few days.

Buttercream Frosting: In an electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, cream the butter until smooth and well blended. Add the vanilla extract. With the mixer on low speed, gradually beat in the sugar. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the milk and beat on high speed until frosting is light and fluffy (about 3-4 minutes). Add a little more milk or sugar, if needed. Tint the frosting with desired food color (I use the paste food coloring that is available at cake decorating stores and party stores).

Makes about 12 cupcakes

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

kueh kaswi

Bahan-bahan ( Loyang bulat 30cm )


350 g gula melaka (mat guna 300 g)

240 g gula pasir

450 ml air

2 helai daun pandan, disiat dan simpul


190 g tepung gandum*

120 g tepung ubi*

60 g tepung beras*(*disatukan dan diayak)

900 ml air

2 camca besar air abu (alkaline water)

3/4 camca besar air kapur

1 camca besar pewarna coklat


1 cawan kelapa parut putih

Secubit garam

Cara-cara 1.Satukan bahan2 A dan masak atas api sederhana hingga semua larut. Sejukkan. 2.Satukan bahan2 B dalam satu bekas. Kacau rata dengan wisk. 3.Satukan no1 dan no2. Kacau rata dan tapis ke dalam loyang yang telah disapu dengan sedikit minyak masak. 4.Kukus 40 - 45 minit atas air mendidih. Balut tutup kukus dgn kitchen towel. Jika lepas 45 minit terdapat air pada permukaan kuih. Letakkan paper towel (yg baru) dan biar ia terserap. Angkat perlahan hingga kering. Biarkan sejuk betul sebelum dipotong dan hidangkan bersama bahan C. 5.KATA2 DARI MAT GEBU:- Jika buat separuh dari resipi diatas, boleh guna loyang/tin kek berukuran (8 x 8 x 3) inci dan jika suka boleh juga dikukus dalam acuan apam yg comel2 tu, dan jangka masa mengukus 10 - 12 minit utk bekas2 comel. Harap maklum.. Tag

soft cheese cake

Bahan-bahan ( 8-inci )

Bahan A:

250g cream cheese

50g butter

100 ml susu segar (fresh milk)

6 biji kuning telur

1 sdb jus lemon

1/4 sdk garam

60g tepung kek / tepung superfine

20g tepung jagung (cornflour/cornstarch)

Bahan B:

140g gula (granulated sugar)

6 biji putih telur

3/4 sdk jus lemon

Cara-cara 1.Utk adunan A: Cairkan cream cheese, butter & susu dgn teknik double boiler. Bila dah cair, sejukkan adunan cream cheese tu td. Kemudian, campurkan ke dlm adunan c/chs td dgn tepung, tepung jagung, kuning telur, garam & jus lemon ke dlm adunan cream cheese & gaul hgga sebati (gaul guna senduk kayu sj). 2.Utk adunan B: Dalam bekas lain, pukul putih telur bersama jus lemon, sampai berbuih2 (foamy). Lepas tu, tmbhkan gula & pukul lagi sampai bertanduk (soft peak). 3.Campurkan adunan Bahan A td ke dalam adunan Bahan B yg dah gebu tu & kacau smpai sebati. Sediakan tin/bekas kek yg bulat berukuran 8 inci, yg digriskan bwhnye & tepi tu salut dgn kertas baking. Tuang adunan kek dlm tin kek. 4.Bakar kek dlm kire2 sejam, dgn cara au bain-marie (waterbath), pd 160 degrees C / 325 degrees F. Pd sesapa yg kurang pasti waterbath tu cmner, buatnye simpel jer. Lepas letak adunan dlm dlm tin kek, balut bwh hgga sparuh tinggi tin kek dgn aluminunium foil (ni double protection agar air xmasuk esp springfoam pan, saya x konfiden tu yg wat gitu hehe, kalo xmo buat ok je tp advisable balut). Then, letak tin kek tu atas dulang pembakar, pastu tuang air panas atas dulang pembakar, preferably ½ tinggi tin kek tu, lepas tu letak ler dlm oven then bakar ler, tu aje). 5.Ni kek yg baru siap bakar, ter-over golden brown sket hihi (oven buat hal jap, signal kena beli oven baru kot adehhh kantoiii).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

kek marble

12 ounce mentega golden church  <250g
10 ounce tepong gandum
10 ounce gula halus
8 biji telor besar ..seperated
3/4 tin susu cap junjong ..creamer
1 tsp baking powder
sedikit vanila

pukul telor putih sampai kembang,masukkan gula  pukul sampai hancur gulanya
kemudian masukkan telor kuning sampai kembang dlm speed yg sederhana
kemudian masokkan mentega dan masokkan powder mixture
 loyong 10x10
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