Tuesday, March 9, 2010

kari ikan tongkol

ikan tongkol, cut into pieces.
2 tomatoes saya tak guna kelapa kalau nak pakai fresh milk jer lah buat penganti kelapa
1 1/2 cup water
1 tsp tamarind paste (assam)
curry leaves
rempah kari sebarang brand
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
4 shallots
6 fresh red chillies
4 dried chillies
1/2" knob ginger
lady finger

1.Dissolve tamarind paste in a little hot water, then discard pulp and seeds.

2. mix rempah curry with water until become paste. Cut off green portion of lemon grass stalks, and bruise stalks.

3. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan over high heat till hot.

4. Add curry mix and tomatoes saute for 5 minutes until fragrant and oil separates.

5. Add in coriander, cumin, fennel, tumeric, chilli powder, and fry for a further 3 minutes. Put in bruised lemon grass stalks.

6. Add in 100 ml coconut milk, 1 tbsp at a time. After each tbsp, fry coconut milk for about a minute till oil separates.

7. Add in ikan tongkol, frying ikan tongkol in the spices for 3 minutes.

8. Add in remaining coconut milk and water. Lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

9. Add in lady finger, simmer till soft.

10. Adjust salt, aji no moto to taste. Add tamarind water to desired level of tartness.

roti keju

500g high protein flour (tepong roti]
25g milk powder
75g sugar (I lessen it to just 50g since I want to make sausage rolls)
10g instant yeast
1 teaspoon bread softener {ku tambahkan sedikit emplex{improver}for bread}
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
some cheese
Ingredient B :

250ml water
75g margarine

Ingredient C :

Red bean filling

Method :

1. Mix well ingredients A.
2. Add in water and knead till a soft dough is formed.(I called upon my antique but still reliable mixer to help me with this process!)
3. Add in margarine and knead again till soft and elastic.
4. Divide the dough into 50g balls.
5. Shape the dough to your liking.and put some cheese ontop as u like
6. Leave to prove till double the size. akhir sekali untok hiasan ku taborkan bread crumb sebelom masok di dlm oven
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degree celcius till golden brown.[ ku pakai 12minit 2000degree celcius]
8. Once out of the oven, brush some margarine on top.

tart nanas

250gm Butter SCS
2 sudu besar susu pekat manis F&N
1 sudu besar minyak sapi ghee
sedikit garam halus
2 biji kuning telur
1 biji putih telur
sedikit vanillin

500gm tepung gandum (atau kurangkan sedikit untuk kelembutan)
sedikit baking powder
4 biji nenas muda
2 ½ senduk gula pasir
sedikit vanilla
sejuring limau nipis
daun pandan
Pukul bersama butter, susu, minyak sapi, garam hingga sebati. Masukan telur dan vanillin pukul lagi akhir sekali masukkan tepung yang telah diayak bersama baking powder. Gaul hingga sebati dan lembut.
Jem Nenas:
Parut nenas dan jangan dibuang airnya. Masak bersama daun pandan hingga kering sambil dikacau supaya tidak hangus. Setelah kering masukan gula, vanilla dan limau nipis. Kacau tanpa henti hingga likat.
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